A verifiable track record of always delivering a Quality, On Time, and, Cost effective product every time.
A thorough working Knowledge, Expertise, and Understanding of all Telcordia E,F,I, & T service related standards.
A staff of exceptional Engineers who are well-trained, certified, and experienced in every aspect of Detail Engineering, Installation, and Testing on a wide variety of OEM products, covering but not limited to Optical Transport, DWDM, POTS, Routers, Hubs, as well as all the ancillary products that connect these devices together in the network whether private or commercial. Training plus experience enable our Engineering to upgrade functionality existing systems, plan and implement changes to handle your growth, and provide the flexibility and expertise needed to efficiently manage your network.
- A team that has an exceptional understanding of Customer Service with little or no tolerance for anything less than 100% customer satisfaction. Over ten (10) decades of combined Telecom Experience at all levels of the industry in which to assist you in growing and managing your networks.